di pagi hari, tak tau nak buat apa,padahal boleh je siapkan tutorial untuk next week. aku pon stalked wall fb sorang kawan. dan aku nampak dia ada tulis camni (lebih kurang la ayat dia) :
fall in love with 'When you tell me that you love me - Diana Ross'
so, aku pon cari la lagu tu. download & dengar. boleh tahan. cuma suara dia tidakla sesedap suara Whitney Houston (r.i.p). pandangan aku je la ni.
so, lepas mood jiwang dah datang, aku pon decide untuk download 2 lagu Lionel Richie, 'Hello' & 'Endless Love'. among my favourite songs. cuma tak ada dalam simpanan. so, i keep rewinding these songs. sampai muak la gamaknya nanti kan. while listening to the lyrics with closed eyes, there's someone who keeps popping into my mind. guess who?
it's you, kawan. yes, you.
well. that's that.
2)Endless love
p/s : people say it's hard to forget your first love. the truth is, i don't even know how to differentiate between love, like, or just crush.