Sunday, January 6, 2013

meeting my understanding friends

i was at a cafe, about to leave after buying nasi ayam in a stall, when i saw 3 hands waving at me from distance. recognizing  them as my friends, to be exact, my group mates for 2 years in this lovely medic school, i waved back. and i went closer to meet them. 

N : farid kamil mana?
me : haha. farid kamil dah tak ada.

and then, things went a bit serious. 

N : sampai hati dia buat camni kat kau kan?
me : (smile). dia buat apa?
N : ye laa. dia layan kau. alih2 dapat tau, couple dengan orang lain.

i was clueless. how did they knew? i had never tell anyone, except my roommate (i did tell her almost everything). and seeing that they were concerned, i was willing to tell them the truth, to be frank.

me: nak buat macam mana. i fall for the wrong person.
I : it's ok. u need to kiss few frogs first before kissing a prince.
me : haha. dia first frog aku la macam tu. 
Z : tak apa. kau akan dapat orang yang lagi baik nanti.

when we ended our conversation, i didn't feel sad. what a miracle. in fact, i feel relieved. and yes, i'm moving on.